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Posts posted by mmKay

  1. @Asia P do It.

    I was skeptical of the idea at the beginning but I've met a few girls that told me LITERALLY the exact same story you are sharing .

    Apparently some brains are wired to be less jealous ( or they managed to mentally rewire their jealously and not get triggered by it) and open for polyamourousness.

    I thought that once you start having sex with different people the relationship will crumble but apparently these people are so above the  baseline emotional intelligence that they can really handle it

    You've also hit the jackpot with your X guy. If he's willing to open the relationship up, you're free to explore.

    You will meet more Y's later in your life

    Usually an open relationship has to be an expectation you set from the very beginning. Because if you start exclusive and later you  want to go non-exclusive, there is a perception of " losing the exclusiveness". You don't have this perception of losing anything if you start with the expectation of polyamourousness

    Your communication with X seems to be very good and he seems to be open and serious about the idea. This can definitely work, at least short to mid term, if your emotional intelligence is high, and he sees your joy and pleasure as his joy and pleasure and vice versa. This is the way one of the girls explained her open relationship to me. They would come back from their other partners excited to share every that happened and they enjoyed. Pretty remarkable relationship and emotional skills.


    Men are more open to the idea of open relationships overall because it benefits their reproductive biological reproductive strategy of impregnating as many women as possible


    Also you are extremely young and inexperienced. You have a very long time to experiment around. And the best time is likely now. 


  2. The only time ever I've heard him saying anything along these lines is in the context of grifters like Andrew Tate and Trump, saying that no matter what they do or change  such people don't change and stay grifters and con men

     It would take an extremely close call near death experience or psychedelic breakthrough for them to change that aspect of themselves, and even then it's unlikely 

  3. I don't want to gaslight you but I don't think he said that, or it taken out of context.

    The only constant in life is that nothing is constant

    Personality is fluid to some degree. Your brain is physically wired to be a certain way within the lines of certain parameters

    Genes have different expressions in different circumstances.

    Even your body pretty much absolutely recycles itself in about 8 years.

    Change is definitely possible, but the psyche is very stubborn and conservative for a good reason. It is for your own safety. Appreciate it.

    It's basically so that you don't start believing some whacky things too quickly. 

    Change can happen. But It has to be gradual, consistent and slow . Repetition and proof is the language of the subconscious mind


  4. The challenges of mating are asymmetrical for men and women.

    Guys struggle is to get laid, women can get laid easily.

    It's biologically easier for a guy to make a woman stay after sex ( from an evolutionary PoV, she has your seed in her , and wants you around to raise the child)

    But for women the challenge is to make the guy stick around after sex


    I deeply contemplated the nature of male attraction triggers in women in a different thread and this is a question I'm curious to contemplate.


    Most likely there is little to do unless a guy really chooses you willingly due to chemistry and attraction for your looks, but we can still consider what works or what doesn't work

    The first thing that comes to mind is ... Be hot ( described in that thread )

    But on a more practical level:

    Looks play a crucial role. Don't let yourself go, and stay looking as sharp as possible. Looks are a priority for men. Don't listen to critiques like " i don't need you to weak make up or dress cute etc". Even if the conscious words don't mean harm, mens attraction is driven by instincts.

    Maybe you don't doll up every day, but definitely do it here and there to remind him you get attention


    But maybe you don't have that level of looks, maybe you can have a different lane. Is that even possible?


    I think this will be a fruitful conversation. Try to put at least a little thought into your answers 

  5. As @Princess Arabia pointed out the metaphysical perspective is missing in this thread

    You could say that sexual desire also stems from the desire for Unity of the male/female energy duality, as it is one of the most powerful manifestations of Love that humans are capable of


    I strictly wanted to keep it from the biological, psychological and evolutionary perspective but this is also a valid context for perspective 

  6. Ai is absolutely fundamental for understanding politics and history specifically due the lack of bias and vast amount of perspective and raw data.

    I remember three years ago when I knew  nothing at all about politics and I was absolutely flabbergasted at how difficult it was to even begin understand the topic. The sheer amount of bias, missinformation , lack of big picture to explanations, ego , close-mindedness was comical. Only through Leo's series in began understanding something and later with Ai I got some bigger picture


    What I love about it the most is that you can make it roleplay and take specific positions and talk to you from their worldview, stepping in and out of different shoes


    AI for history and politics is like using a calculator for mathematics. It's all there,  you just gotta know what to punch in

  7. I notice a recurring pattern . While chelating heavy metals I get more vivid  dreams in my sleep. Sometimes nightmares with gore,  brutallity or disgusting stuff. Nothing to do with my personal life or traumas , not even remotely


    When I'm off the round , off the chelators and in the recovery part I get way more nightmares. And then it goes away in a few days untill I chelate again.


    Sometimes If I consume foods like bone broth it also happens. Many common foods are high in heavy metals but personally I believe it's not about being perfect but about avoiding the worst ones and having a system to get then out your body



    Only comment if you have chelated unless you have something interesting to say 

  8. First thing that came to my mind was: So I heard I can have astral sex?

    I instantly materialized three blue hot astral babes. They looked at me and knew whats up immediately. The one in the middle bent over toward me, and the two on the sides spread her cheeks for me

    I flew closer and as I was about to stick myself in, I felt this feeling of being pranked and laughed at, and with absolute clear consciousness from one second to the other I was kicked out of the dimension and found myself staring at the ceiling

    I read a part from " my big toe" astral projection book and aparently it's a common test for maturity that happens. I clearly failed.

    Maybe I find the old thread where I share the story 

    Edit: there it is


  9. I spontaneously started having very lucid dreams and eventually astral projecting after my first mild mushroom trip

    Basically if I fall sleep on my back there is a huge change of me having sleep paralysis where I can't move my body but I'm aware.

    Then I force my body to either either float up ( it feels as if you were flexing your abs and quads at once) , or easier just roll out of my body to the side, and I become my " spirit version" where I control reality with my thoughts within different physics and rules. It may sound crazy but I haven't done it a lot because I got freaked out and stopped it by desiring to stop having that experience . I fell through the ground , thought " oh shit I'm falling to hell " and it actually happened 

    You basically control that realm with thoughts and intentions 

  10. Aparently Tesla's condition is called "Superior Spacial Visualization" allowing him to clearly see three dimensional objects in his minds eye .

    The opposite of the spectrum is Alphantasia where you literally don't even have a minds eye

    Arnold is a great visualizer. I can barely hold the image of a Lemmon in my mind

    I remember being so confused when I read Psycho-Cybernetics and Maxwell said to imagine an entire detailed Theater in your mind to re-live and experience empowering  movies. I'm lighting years away from that capacity

    Einstein and DaVinci also had Tesla's skill aparently 


  11. On 23/3/2024 at 4:45 PM, Pox said:

    I have a deep love for video games, that’ll always stay with me

    If that's your serious answer for the entire question we can't help you a lot here. Experience and live life more and be on the lookout for what sparks your interests. Play around with them and decide if you want to deepen into it or try something else

    You can explore online for subjects and activities that catch your attention. Go try those

    Your problem seems to be lack of real life experiences to choose from and that's why you don't know where you want your life to go.

    Take this seriously. Most people don't have the luxury to architect their future life's from a young age and just barely scrape by and get handcuffed by life's obligations before they even realize