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Posts posted by James123

  1. 1 hour ago, Will1125 said:

    The life you are living each Day is literally you !

    This is the total reflection of you, peoples you meet are you, your boss is you,  your dog is you, your wife is you, the war in ukraine is you, the video you saw yesterday is you, what you ate 1 hour ago is you, what you are reading now is you!  

    What is you, you see it,  you live it. 

    You are experiencing yourself

    Do you get it?




    How do you know that there is such thing as eyes?

  2. 19 hours ago, thenondualtankie said:


    Here's an interesting discussion between Alex O'Connor and Sam Harris. They briefly discuss free will in this clip at the start.

    To Alex, free will doesn't exist because: where are his actions coming from? Actions and intentions seem to just pop up in your head out of nowhere. Which seems to discount free will.

    In a different video, Alex posits that if the universe is deterministic, then we clearly don't have free will. And if the universe is random as implied by quantum mechanics, we don't have free will even still - there is only randomness, not choice.

    But what he forgets to mention is a third option for where our intentions come from. INTENTION COMES FROM INTENTION ITSELF! Free will is completely circular and not explicable in terms of other concepts. Your intention literally uses intention itself to make itself arise. And that intention is you.

    Does your direct experience not agree with this?

    There is no free will because there is no you in first place. 

  3. 17 hours ago, Chadders said:

    Sometimes I do think how mindless people are in how they operate in their day to day lives. 

    For example I often go for walks in the meadow to connect with nature and be more present. I feel very blessed that I live in such a beautiful area but I can tell you like 99% of everyone going for a walk in this meadow (and generally) is walking the dog and they do the same bloody loop each time. I just feel like they are operating on some kind of machine like level where they are just ticking off what to do and then do it in a mindless fashion. I rarely see people like me actually connect with the spirit in nature and nature bathe. They just use it for walking the dog and if they didn’t have a dog would they even be out here connecting?

    it just annoys me. It’s like people don’t appreciate it just use it like some kind of tool without any intention. I know this is just one example and I too do mindless stuff but it seems quite significant to me

    This is when I do get the strong feeling that I am operating on an entirely different level to most people. I have always had a strong inclination to be different from the crowd

    This is definitely linked with Leo’s video on how socialisation makes you stupid

    Just do what you gotta do. And don't give a fuck about the results. You will not think or decrease the thinking whatsoever. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Awww, that sucks. You'll get over it. When you realize the beauty of what is, you'll give in. Isn't it less painful to realize the beauty of what you are. You're no one pretending to be someone on an imaginary forum within an earth realm of empty space that doesn't exist. That's awesome. C'mon where's your child-like humor. 

    Lol. You keep mentioning there is no self. You have the biggest self in the form. You too much care. Do less, fuck it. Whooooo whoooooo.