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Posts posted by B_Naz

  1. What he says is mostly true about masculinity I guess, but it seems like a debate rather than truth. It's one bullshit/illusion against another bullshit/illusion. SJW vs Men

    I feel like this guy is making an identity  of masculinity and trying to protect his "masculinity". In my opinion masculinity is an energy that can be tapped in by both male and females, and calling it "toxic" is an judgment. But sure it's obviously toxic if you side only with masculinity in the same way as siding with femininity. A total balance is needed

  2. There's balance in this work. You have to work on enlightenment and your life purpose. So you study to get a good job/success and you also meditate to clear your head. If you want to play video games, go for it but balance is what keeps you from going insane.

    Do the studying you have to do, plan it and then do your consciousness work. Plan your entire day based on study and consciousness work. After you've done your schedule for these things, go back to playing video games, and to be honest, you won't bother playing it because of the gains you get if you just learn how to balance


  3. @tedens I haven't been fair to be honest...

    Yes it would help people by a lot, and can even solve common problems in our society now that I think about it

    but it seems that it's would be applying to only one set of norms/values set by the organisation, when personal-development and consciousness should be free and expressive.

    An organisation to spread awareness of the consciousness would be great I guess, but I would draw the line when it tells strictly you HOW to do it :D

  4. When people look at who they really are and accept that, then they naturally change. It's not a forced change

    Most people believe that they are this person/identity, but who told them or encouraged them to be this? Most likely their parents and society -> not created by themselves.

    People merely believed in this identity that they made by following the influence of the outside to create this authentic nature which validates the identity. The problem with this is that there isn't any investigation or questioning on the self.

    Also change is kinda bullshit. "Oh I'm going to change my life", well your life is already changed. Every minute you're changing, it's a dynamic mechanic.

    Authentic self is the self that is reading this now

  5. @JohnnyBravo You've understood my problem exactly lol

    15 minutes ago, JohnnyBravo said:

    All thats going on is you've done sufficient work on yourself that you reach a stage where you think, "Ok, now what? I feel good enough with who I am. Whats so bad about life?"

    This is pretty much me right now

    16 minutes ago, JohnnyBravo said:

    Its a bit of a feeling of "Really? Thats it?" Its refreshing but at the same time slightly disappointing. You realise there is nothing to achieve in this life and there never was!

    I've tried even going back to old stuff, like this vision description I made a while ago. I knew that there was nothing to achieve, and I did this work for the sake of it but I think the disappointment got to me when there was really nothing to achieve here but to better myself :D

    21 minutes ago, JohnnyBravo said:

     Youve just taken a big step but it doesnt feel like youve taken a big step.

    One step back, two step forwards in my view now :)

    22 minutes ago, JohnnyBravo said:

    After a few weeks or months, youll suddenly have the desire to get back to this work. The difference will be (might be) you are no longer doing this stuff for yourself, but for yourself and for the world around you to benefit you.

    My desire is starting to slowly come up, so it's why I said this is probably a phase. I'm still pretty down but I'm being mindful of what I'm feeling

    The main insight I got is that I'm just in a phase, and I need to burn/purge the negative stuff :P

  6. I was going through my old vision and goals and realized that it has changed drastically

    Some changes include

    • Not wanting to meditate for long hours
    • Not anting to be social
    • Be heavily focused on technology, previously I wanted to detach from technology
    • Play more games
    • Career passion changed from making programs for people to making programs for the sake of it
    • Not really wanting to self-actualized anymore - since I want to focus on career/entertainment

    I think I might just gone a step back in my life. Think I'm being more addicted to games and focused a lot on my studies and my career goals. But I think the reason I'm not self-actualizied is because I'm not exactly sad in my life at the moment, everything seems to be going fine but I'm just no longer interested in bettering myself. However this is where the dilemia for me occurs because as I did self-actualizing work, I did it for the sake of it, not to benefit anything but now, I feel like I've gained a lot of knowledge and understanding of my life. I feel detached from myself, and just want to go with the flow of life

    or am I just being lazy?

  7. 13 hours ago, CreamCat said:

    Man, why don't you do both? Pen is more convenient sometimes. Keyboard is more convenient other times.

    Because I feel like I need to keep all my notes in one place instead of having mixed paper and digital. There are just so many studies that suggest that writing on paper engages you more than typing, so I just wanted everybody's opinions :D


    here's a link to the laptop v paper argument, and there are thousands of these debates. It seems that writing is far better than typing

    However, I just feel better typing, and I hate writing soooo, probably going to take your advice and just do it for convenience i guess


    13 hours ago, Sir Raz said:

    @B_Naz if you want to type, then type! Simple!

    Will do :)


    1 minute ago, SunnyNewDay said:

    Both. I use keyboard when it's more technical or I'm taking in theory or planning in my OneNote. For more intimate and emotional writing I prefer to do it by hand. I think writing by hand can be great for stuff you don't want other people to read. I don't trust technology to hold my secrets and most emotionally intimate thoughts and insights. 

    The technical writing or planning is way neater on digital than paper, and you can transfer files easily on your other devices, but I haven't really dived into the emotional writing or journals so I can't relate to this sadly ;(

  8. 4 hours ago, Waves said:

    The mental process and cognitive effort when you're taking notes and reviewing them (eg recalling information using your own words) is more important for retention than the way you record information. 

    This makes a lot sense. Either typing or writing, you still have to review the notes regardless of how you recorded them, so I think I will stick to keyboard since it make my notes neater, which can help with recall. I've had a look at the youtube video and wow, very interesting way to actually test yourself. Bookmarked it :)

    2 hours ago, Psychonaut said:

    My handwritten notes are more of a drawing/sketch than notes. F.e. When Leo talks about balancing two things I will draw a seesaw with the two items.

    You should share some of your drawings, sounds very cool. It reminds me of Mooji's drawings as well

    2 hours ago, Sir Raz said:

    Me, I do both! I'm keyboard typing when I have too many thoughts running up in my head, or when I wanna do some stream of consciousness writing! When it comes to contemplating very deep & personal things about myself, or planning for the future, I use a pen and a notebook!

    For class notes I recommend typing! It just saves time!

    Tell me about it... Typing just feels so natural to me and I can quickly take notes and think about them whilst in classes and listening to somebody (Leo's videos :D)

    Overall though, this boosted my confidence in typing. I've had my doubts with typing but it doesn't matter how you record info, it's the recalling.

    Thanks a lot <3

  9. Big fan of note taking, and I've  always took notes with pen and paper, but recently I've been taking notes on keyboard since its faster and neater

    However, I've read some research that notetaking with pen and paper helps memorisation and engages you more than keyboard since keyboard seems to only be output rather than input

    What do you guys think?

  10. @kieranperez I do feel like it's becoming more of an addiction. I wouldn't say I have a problem of not being able to stop conceptualising . I don't feel like I need to know absolutely everything as well but in some cases this does happen to me and I can't stop taking in all the details. But this isn't a huge problem with me because it's kinda rare now

    I realised that I have anxiety of forgetting and wasting time.

    If I learn something, I want it to stick with me and not be lost, and hence for my note-taking exaggeration. However it comes to a point where it's starting to demotivate me. Is it a problem of de-motivation?

    The main reason for the de-motivation itself is because it's tedious to take notes

  11. @kieranperez It isn't really practical. I can give some examples

    If I wanted to read a book in public, like on a train, I would have to take a pen and paper

    If I wanted to listen to one of Leo's MP4 audios, I would again feel like I need to take notes

    Whatever I listen to or try to take in MUST be written on something, otherwise I  won't feel right and won't go in my head..

    There could be so many things in my day where I'm not doing anything particular but if I fill that up something to read or learn, it drains my energy BECAUSE of the note taking? If that makes sense? I would happily watch Leo's videos but I feel like I can't watch them because I would have to take notes and that demotivates me

    But I guess that's how it goes... It's hard work to try and conceptualise everything


  12. I've noticed that whenever I work, I take a huge amounts of notes.

    Now I know that note taking is a good thing, but I'm starting to feel scared that if I don't take notes on anything, I will forget and never learn it

    This is mainly a problem when it comes to personal development. I can't read a book, listen to a podcast, or watch a video without taking notes

    I can see it as a good habit but it drains a lot of energy out from me...

    Any suggestions? Should I carry on?

  13. I'm actually doing this. I took a step back with the non-dual and spiritual studying as well as the meditation/consciousness section on the forums... I've tried to forget all of that because I felt like it wasn't doing anything but making my brain fry with no actual development. I felt stuck and not moving forward.

    I started going back to the core self-actualized concepts/values. Started from understanding emotions and moved on like a bucket list, and I've stopped meditation (for the time being). I'm only doing one thing at a time, currently practicing mindfulness hardcore. Been doing this for like, 3-4 months and has helped me a ton.

    I don't give a fuck about anything anymore :)

  14. Judgment will cause suffering since it will always backfire. Let's say you judge somebody with really ugly hair on the bus, but the next week you noticed that your hair is just as ugly. What essentially happens is that you either judge your hair normally or judge your hair BASED on the person who had the ugly hair last week. Both cases cause suffering and in this case, it was the second option for me. This happened whilst I was going to the gym xD

    But the thing is, judgment is judgment wherever or whenever you do it. Doesn't matter if you judge something that is "good" or "bad", the judgment itself has no value. Judgment can be seen as attaching a meaning to something when originally that something had no meaning and it was created ONLY by you. So when you judge something that is bad, you are the only one assigning that value and vice versa.

    It does get tricky when you judge something that is seemed to be "good" because you may not realise it as a judgment . Let say you saw really nice pair of trainers and they were so good that you bought them. Then next week, you find another pair and judged them also as really nice, but you already bought a new pair and so... You no longer like the pair you have. This may not come to you straight away but you judged the pairs of trainers!

    These are really naive examples but the principle is the same

    It's sorta like Karma, there is always a balance

    Eliminating it can be done by mindfulness practice. Just always observe what you're doing and try to spot out when you're making a judgment on something. Don't try to stop it thought, realise first that you're judging, then question WHY you're judging? Are you actually in control who judges?

    Takes years though to get rid of it