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Posts posted by electroBeam

  1. 14 hours ago, Mindfang413 said:

    So i have been asking this question recently but i dont know if anyones on the same page here when it comes to terminology. I keep asking if consciousness is something or nothing out of confusion. Because what i think of when hearing the word nothing is that consciousness doesnt exist. But clearly, since it is happening, it exists. I dont think nothing and nonexistence are the same thing and that people need to clarify what they mean by this. Yes it may not be a physical thing, anywhere at any time, but it still EXISTS correct? Its existence itself. So why are people calling it nothing? Do you mean it does not exist? Because that does not make any sense.

    have you actually observed non-existence before?

  2. On 12/19/2020 at 3:29 PM, eggopm3 said:

    So I work with this really cool girl who’s into spirituality and psychedelics, a SD stage green-type for sure (and she’s pretty intelligent so definitely potential to grow to yellow). Totally the type of person that I’ve been self-actualizing to try and attract. Our conversations have been gradually growing deeper over time and we had a little coffee date together recently and I feel like there’s potential between us. We chatted about our trips, and she's clearly had some awakening-type experiences (on a wider variety of substances than I have for what it's worth). She seemed to really like that I’m as into psychedelics as much she is, so it didnt take long for her to suggest that we do mushrooms together. 

    Now I’m experienced enough with psychedelics by this point that that aspect alone isn’t something I’m too concerned about. I can handle my shit just fine as long as we’re not hero-dosing (which I don't think we would be). But on the other hand I’m still a virgin, never even had a proper kiss before (with one exception while wasted drunk at a party many years ago which I wouldn’t really count because I barely even remember it, and it certainly wasn't romantic in the slightest). And spending a trip with just me and this girl, seems to me to imply that sex will be on the table. Am I wrong in assuming this? I have no idea what the proper “trip etiquette” is in this department. Nearly all my trips have been solo experiences (the only exception was one time with a male friend, but that was more of a trip-sitting situation), so I’m not used to tripping with other people and especially not alone with the opposite sex before. So far we haven't gone beyond talking with each other, so going straight from that to tripping together feels a bit like jumping in the deep end really quickly! But obviously I’m not opposed to the idea.

    So there’s a real possibility that I could lose my virginity while on mushrooms, which is uhh, quite something! But it also makes me apprehensive since being a virgin I lack the experience with sex, and then on top of that the mushrooms could twist that to a new level. I long ago decided that I wouldn’t let anxiety over being a virgin become a self-fulfilling prophecy to continue perpetuating my virginity (I’ve spent more than enough of my life letting neurosis control me like that), and that if the situation arose I’d just go for it. But when throwing mushrooms into the mix I have no idea how things would go.

    Like if I was going to be sober or even just drunk or stoned my attitude would be totally different towards a sexual situation. But on mushrooms I have no idea. I don't even know if I could get hard on mushrooms (I know I easily can with LSD-analogues, but with mushrooms it’s seemed like kind of a toss up so far in my solo experiences). Maybe that could be the perfect excuse for poor lovemaking skills since I could just blame it on my trip being really weird. Or on the other hand maybe we’ll just both go God-mode and it’ll be no problem at all and the most natural thing ever. I have no idea! Or am I getting waaaaay ahead of myself and the invitation to trip together doesn’t imply sex at all?

    So far a date for this proposed trip has not been set, so maybe she’ll change her mind and it wont happen. Since she was the one who suggested it and presumably it would be happening at her place with her supply of mushrooms I’ve decided that the ball is in her court in terms of planning this. I’m certainly not going to pressure her to make this happen if she decides against it. So I guess I’m looking for advice. This forum is the only place I know where dating and psychedelics overlap, so if anybody might have thoughts on the situation it would be here. My gut says to just go for it and roll with whatever ends up happening. But since I have no psychedelic friends in my life (aside from this girl) to bounce this situation off of I guess I’m throwing it out to you guys to see what your thoughts are.

    have sex with her it if feels right.

    don't have sex with her if it doesn't feel right.

    This is more of an opportunity to explore each other transpersonally more than anything IMO. If that turns out to include sex then great, if not then great.

  3. 4 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

    Eh? You're saying that happiness is what makes me happy - how is that an insight?


    and that's why I wrote this is gonna be the last insight I'll share ;)

    4 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

    What do I need to do to get there? 

    Try and get yourself to realize you don't need to get there.

    Everything else WONT work. Your attempt to get there is doomed from the onset. The whole point of this path is to get you to go everywhere, burn yourself out to the point that you can't get there anymore, then from that burnt outness, you become open to the possibility that it was never about getting over there, it was about letting go of the thoughts that make you suffer now, and accept and love the happiness that arises from that process.

    Meditation is what stops the thoughts telling you, you need to get there.

  4. Just now, Blackhawk said:

    @electroBeam This is what happened:

    You are happy, there are reasons for your happiness. Which you apparently fail to see at this point.

    And then you built a whole mental construction around the theme happiness. Your entire post is filtered through the lenses of your happiness, you built a whole narrative around it. I think it's called self bias. It's not the Truth.

    This is just a personal reflection of mine that I've noticed, not saying it to boast, its got nothing to do with how good my ego is, I'm quite a retard and stupid guy myself. But I just felt like sharing it as a way to express the beauty of this world.

    What seems to happen with me on this forum, is people first think I'm crazy and reject me for the stuff I post, then months later start thinking I'm onto something, start accepting it, start being open to it, and then I come up with a radically new post thats even more radical then before, then I get rejected again, then people start coming around to that one too.

    I think you've got every right to think I'm deluded, self biased, selfish, egoic, filtered through my own up my own farts lens, building a narrative. I don't want to stop you from seeing me that way. In fact deep down I like it, it adds spice to my life.

    But I can't help but think the universe is giving us a message saying its the disagreement itself which is the delusion. For if you disagree, you're choosing to block out what's actually happening.

  5. @snowyowl my post was meant to be take purely practically.

    2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

    So What Actually IS Attachment Then?


    We divide ego tricks into lots of different categories and flavors. But the truth is, there's only 1 ego trick that's been playing you your entire life. And that ego trick is, really believing that happiness is located in something.


    2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

    If you get a thought that says "but that can't be true, because I've felt pain before and it hurts, it can't just be an attachment" ~ notice that the whole reason why you believe that thought, is because you believe there's happiness in it. That's why you're taking that thought seriously.


    6 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

    These two quotes seem to contradict, is it the 'thing in the world' which creates our relative happiness (unhappiness), or our attachments? Maybe I've quoted you put of context? But I agree (in theory) that non-attachment = unconditional happiness. 

    BTW, who or what does the attaching? I thought there's no-one there inside with free will to attach to stuff anyway? Or, it's all imaginary. illusory? 

    Happiness aint located in whether my quotes contradict each other, or in the 'thing in the world' which creates our relative happiness. It aint located in whether you've put my quotes out of context, it aint located in whether you agree or disagree with me, in theory or not. It aint located in non attachment or unconditional happiness. it aint located in who or what does the attaching, it aint located in there's no one there inside with free will, it aint located in imaginary or illusion.

    its just the being happy itself that is what you are looking for. Whether thats going for walks, going to the gym, meditating, talking to people, whatever makes ya happy, thats where it is.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Moksha said:

    I resonate with some of this. :) The proverbial bone I must pick is this:

    Just because someone is happy in this moment, doesn't mean they have 0 attachments. It only means their attachments have temporarily landed them, in the constantly moving spotlight, which they mistake for happiness.

    In the next moment, when the spotlight shifts, they will be unhappy again, because they still have attachments that they hang their happiness on.

    Dissolving all attachments is the ultimate realization, not conceptually, but beyond all of the senses, that there are no divisions, and it is already infinitely abundant. It is more than mere happiness, love, or any other emotion. It is Consciousness itself, fully resolving into itself. It is indescribably divine.






  7. 5 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

    THIS is very good inquiry and I'm glad its being shared ❤

    See we're both pointing to a fundamental misunderstanding or assumption that almost all humans find themselves in... the illusion of duality or separation. This illusory experience brings with it the feelings of lack and incompleteness( something's missing and I need to find it to make things whole).

    These futile attempts by the seeker to overcome these illusory experiences may look something like this:

    - becoming a gang member.

    - joining a religion or sect.

    - material possession infatuation.

    - striving for peace love and joy for all of humanity.

    - technological inventions and scientific discoveries.

    Either way the underlying misunderstanding of being a separate individual seems to hide the realization that perfection, paradise, completeness, wholeness and unconditional love is already the case.

    It seems like the apparent main differences in our experiences could be summed up this way:

    There: The Ultimate truth is we are all god/creator seemingly caught up in this dualistic play of life, and experiencing ourself in infinite ways to share love with ourself for eternity.

    Here: There isn't a 'you' period, not as god, creator, higher consciousness or anything else... complete non identification.

    See After Awakening or aka the disillusionment of 'self', it was clearly recognized that the very attempt to again identify as something, was merely a habitual subconscious last ditch effort of the ego mind program to sneak in the back door very low-key style and set up this illusory identification as the new and improved higher self to keep itself alive(Maya illusion of the self)

    This spiritual ego(for lack of better words) says see I'm good and very selfless, I'm all about love compassion and the reduction of suffering for all of mankind.... there's no reason to disidentify as me.

    This is what's referred to as painting or decorating the Prison Walls.

    See the ego is very cunning and clever... a shapeshifter sort a speak.

    The complete Freedom longed for lies in non-attachment/non identification which luckily happens to already be the case and merely needs to be recognized. ❤










    Love it!

  8. My intention in this post is to make a super helpful pointer. I'll see how I go though.

    What attachment seems to be?

    Its simple. Its the assumption that some object, state of consciousness, or thing has happiness in it, and if we don't have that thing we are unhappy, but if we have that thing, we are happy.

    This runs deep, this isnt limited to the fools who chase money and sex. Infinite love realization and states of consciousness are attachments, because if you aint in the right state of consciousness, you aren't happy.

    It runs even deeper. Unconditional happiness is an attachment, because if you aren't unconditionally happy, then you aren't happy. The happiness is assumed to be in the "unconditional" state.

    What the world seems to be?

    The world is a place divided into things that make you happy, and things that make you not happy. We chase the things that make you happy, while avoid the things that make you not happy.

    This runs deep, we chase altered states of consciousness, we chase attaining unconditional happiness, we chase meditation, etc.

    In this world there is time, and a future. We plan to get stuff in the future, like attaining enlightenment. Like attaining 0 attachments in the future. We strive towards it.

    What actually makes you happy?

    Clearly 0 attachments.

    But what is 0 attachments?

    0 attachments is literally being purely happy. Just being happy. That's it. 0 attachments means your happiness doesn't come from awakening, altered states of consciousness, enlightenment, meditation, psychedelics, insights, knowing how the universe works, pure unknowing, having an ego, having no ego, being self realized, "getting it", telling people whether they are awake or not, telling people whether you're more awake then them, classifying people, judgment, hatred.

    When do you have 0 attachments?

    When you are purely happy. That feeling of someone loving you, you achieving something great, a wedding, being in the flow state, etc. There is no happiness located anywhere, or to be achieved in the future, its just there. Purely happy. You aren't awake when you're happy. You're just normal.

    Everyone can have 0 attachments if they wanted to. Not just awakened or enlightened beings. Everyone has periods of time in their life when they have 0 attachments, even the ones that are the most miserable. The flow state is a great example.

    So What Actually IS The World Then?

    The world is a place where you can see what it actually is, or you can not see what it actually is, and be deluded. If there's a rope on the ground, you can choose to see that rope as a snake, or as a rope. By choosing to see it as a snake you suffer. By choosing to see it as a rope, you don't.

    The world actually is unbounded, completely unconditional happiness. If you don't see that, its simply because you are not looking at the world, you are looking at delusion. And that's the whole game you're playing. Trying to see what the world actually  is, and all spiritual work amounts to that.

    Actually that's not what your spiritual work amounts to, that's what everything you do amounts to.

    So What Actually IS Attachment Then?

    We divide ego tricks into lots of different categories and flavors. But the truth is, there's only 1 ego trick that's been playing you your entire life. And that ego trick is, really believing that happiness is located in something.

    The mourning you go through over the loss of a family member, or over the loss of an awakening(if you've had those awakenings that make you mourn and grieve) or psychedelic experiences, is literally, and only, caused by this 1 ego trick.

    Its caused purely from the belief that happiness is in something.

    If you get a thought that says "but that can't be true, because I've felt pain before and it hurts, it can't just be an attachment" ~ notice that the whole reason why you believe that thought, is because you believe there's happiness in it. That's why you're taking that thought seriously.

    The reason why you take any thought seriously is because you believe there's happiness in the thought. That's literally attachment. That's literally the ego trick outlined above.

    Real happiness is not contained within any thoughts. It is prior to every single thought.

    So What Do You Make of This?

    The game of life is officially complete, when you realize that happiness is prior to everything. Its prior to awakenings, its prior to realizations, its prior to being enlightened, its prior to realizing love.

    And its prior to every single attachment you have.

    So Why Is Meditation and Yoga Important?

    Because meditation and yoga are the only times when you are happy for the sake of it. Not happy because you're in an altered state of consciousness, or because you've reached some samadhi state, or because you're awake, or because you're enlightened, or because you're more awake and better then others.

    So Why Aren't I happy when its so simple?

    Because you deliberately, while unintentionally, choose to pick your attachments over happiness. If you had a car crash and lost an arm, and you were resisting the state you were in hard, and I told you to just be happy, you'd say NO! Because you just lost an arm. Its not that you can't be happy, its that you're deliberately choosing not to.

    Hello, that's why you aren't awake. Hello, you're going to keep going on the spiritual path until you realize that if that happened to you, you will choose to be happy. Because the alternative to that is falling for the 1 ego trick outlined above, and you will not be 100% satisfied in life, and will keep striving for happiness on the path, until you have 0 attachments because that's literally the only game you're playing.

    You can choose happiness over your attachments. The problem is you don't want to.

    Your end game is not awakening, infinite love realization, or anything like that. Your end game is flow state 24/7. Whether you're enlightened, a human, a duck, a cat, a retard, a deluded fool, a psychotic person, an insane person, a cu**, someone with a bad history, it doesn't matter what you are, what you want is 24/7 flow state.

    So What actually IS the truth?

    The truth literally is, deliberately choosing to be purely happy, deliberately choosing to get what you purely want, devoid of putting that in objects, states of consciousness, awake vs non awake dualities, putting it in the whole idea of non duality, putting it in enlightenment or infinite love or anything else.

    What you have always wanted, was to be happy, and what you have been doing your entire life, is deliberately choosing not to be happy.


  9. 4 hours ago, ConsciousOwl10 said:

    Hey guys. I wanted to make this post to try to understand why after years of meditation a lot of people are still very much extremely secular and very touchy about the metaphysical aspect of spiritual practices. For instance, now meditation has gone mainstream, but it has very much become stripped of all its potentially non scientific elements, so they call it mindfulness and try it recontextualize it in terms of being something to calm stress and help with anxiety and things rather than anything profound or woo woo. There are a lot of meditation apps and things in the west now, but I have met a lot of people who despite doing it are still pretty much full of their base desires and impulses and very much anti spirituality and mysticism. Like Sam Harris and atheist meditation practitioners for instance will say that enlightenment experiences are possible, but that this doesn't change the truth of science or any of its foundations, or the current debates on consciousness.  It seems pretty shocking that this is the case, but what is the reason for this? It seems like the ego mind is so powerful that it can literally turn neutralise anything that threatens its being. Maybe Leo or someone else said this, but I heard a story where it says that if Jesus really did come back again, people would literally treat him like a lunatic and lock him in an asylum or something, even if they knew deep down for a fact it was him. 

    infinity means free will. Free will means freedom to be wrong/deny the truth.

  10. 2 hours ago, goldpower123 said:

    When I look around, I see a lot of people are like zombies. They chase their egos. It's all that exists to them, no deeper truth. It's like they're slugging around in the mud all lazy, complaining, competing, surviving, fighting for any bit of control they can grip on to. Instead of being who they are, they be who they superficially want to be.

    I find it a major disrespect to myself to surrender to the comforts and trappings society offers me.

    It is my ego and your ego. I hold your head under to keep mine afloat. How social media, puppet rappers and modern news outlets sneakily condition you through egoic agendas to think how they think. Yet no one ever talks about it. I mean duh why would they, they have to preserve their fake selves. My family is included, completely severed and vulnerable to these forces. Although my father is the most conscious one of all and I cherish our deep relationship. He understands the matrix system.

    Every day I must stomach in that I share this life with entities and robot humans that's only job is to deter me from my path... They say nothing and don't show you any authentic attention, but when you slip up, oh boy, they're there for THAT. In their animalistic minds they secretly want you to fail so they feel better about themselves!

    I don't 'hate' the world, and it's not their fault, and I'm sure if I was an enlightened guru I would love accept and welcome it all.

    But this is just how I feel sometimes like I have this light in me, and because of that light, the devil is trying to get rid of me



    Beautiful story, especially the entities and robots part, reminds me of blade runner.

    Now love it for what its worth, and throw it away.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Madhur said:

    given that He has no faith in God & he is completely ignorant of the idea of the god, What are the chances that he would still experience the god regardless of his belief ?

    Worst case is he will contextualize the entire trip in a materialistic way.

    Best case is it radically changes his mindset and he starts exploring spirituality out of extreme curiosity.

    If I were you, I'd hope for the best case, yet prepare for the worst case.

  12. 7 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

    And since the dream character in the dream story isn't real, why would the thoughts that say "the end goal of everything you're doing is sharing love to yourself" be taken as truth ?


    that's a great example of what I'm talking about, thanks!

    EDIT: sorry that was a bit lite haha. Yes the whole "end goal" of you wanting to correct me is a great example of you sharing love with yourself. That's all You/We are doing at an ultimate level, even disagreements and judgement and abuse is ultimately you sharing love with yourself, and you reacting to that in healthy ways is you sharing love to yourself.

    Yet if you can see that all judgement and hatred against you by "others" is just you sharing love to yourself, it effectively makes you immune to suffering from "others" judgements and hatred against you. Which is really powerful.

  13. On 12/14/2020 at 7:39 PM, Frenk said:

    @electroBeam you're one of the few people here which i enjoy reading to. Please don't stop sharing your insights.

    thanks for the encouragement!

    Insight on What Suffering Actually Is

    If the universe is infinite, it means its everything possible. If its everything possible, then it must also be possible to not see the truth/not see how things are. Suffering is literally not seeing how things are/the truth.

    Suffering = False.

    Happiness = True.

    Suffering and Happiness aren't separate to truth. That's a huge mistake I've been making my entire journey. I had this idea in my head that truth was not happiness, and that people who were seeking happiness were not as sincere as people who were seeking truth. This has been shown to be completely hogwash because suffering literally equals not seeing how things are. Woops.


    So then why do you get happy when playing video games and eating mcdonalds? Because its possible for the ego to play really sneaky games. Its possible for the ego to make you see the truth/outline the truth, when you are conforming with its biases. And its possible for the ego to make you see falsehood when you aren't conforming with its biases.

    So if you are meditating, and you feel resistance, yet dont feel resistance eating mcdonalds, its because when meditating, your perspective of meditating is wrong. You are believing stuff, have a perspective of meditation that isn't actual. Yet when eating mcdonalds, your perspective is actual, you are in the present moment more, you are enjoying reality more.

    You need to watch this ego trick very carefully, its a very sneaky trick.

    Damn, can't get over how I didn't see truth = happiness and suffering literally = false/not actual.

    @Nahm damn, finally see why you're so LOAish hahaha. You're even wiser then I thought! Why didnt ya tell me this before???? Well now my only option is to reduce suffering and chase happiness, instead of being some grand amazing seeker thats chasing truth because hes so much better and cooler then everyone else. Damn I'm normal, how boring. xD

    Sorry Nahm ignore everything after EDIT, I'm just spazzing out hahahahaha.

    EDIT: ohhhhh damn, the entire point the whole time was just feeling good and reducing suffering. Ohhh damn the rest was deception. ohhhhh damn people told me this and I didn't listen. ohhhh damnnnnnnnnnn. It was so simple. Ohhh god damn jeeeezuz. Pursuing truth, what a load of deception shhhhhhhhhittttttttttttttttttttt.

    ohhh damn, all that other shit is a distraction. Ohhhh damn it really is. What people say, epistemology, helping others, pursuing truth, meditating, yoga, spiritual path, realizations, is all post the absolute fundamental of feeling good. Feeling good and reducing suffering is literally prior to all of that. Ohhhh damnnnnnnnnnnnn. So deluded hahahahaha. Omigosh. What da fuck. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn understanding how reality works is post feeling goooooooooooooooooood. Knowing how reality works is post feeling goooooooooooooood. Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuk. OMFG, its all just fucking feeling good. Wanting to know how reality works was just reducing suffering. Insights was just reducing suffering. Realizations was just reducing suffering. There's literally nothing over than happiness and veering off seeing that through suffering. What the actual fuck. Can't believe it. I can't know any more than this lol.


    OMFG there's literally 0 suffering happening now. What the actual fuck, all that reincarnation and enlightenment was all post feeling good. All that infinite and finite shit was post feeling good. OMFG you don't need to have 0 body to have 0 suffering. That was all deception. You don't need to stop eating or doing conditional stuff to have 0 suffering. That was all deception. What in the flying fuck. I can't believe everything was a lie. jeeeezus christ. jeeeezus christ.

    OMFG "no others", "no ego" is post feeling good. OHHH MYYYY GODDDDD. The universe is groundless is post feeling good. The truth is literally happiness and 0 suffering. No its not knowing shit. Knowing shit is post feeling good.

    The answer to everything is happiness.

    I am so happy right now that its scary. I feel like I'm gonna disappear. I feel like the entire universe is just gonna do something radical. Like a breakthrough trip. Like I can't see anything the same way ever again.

    Ok this is scary. Really scary.

    Every fucken awakening, contraction/expansion, knowing, new state of consciousness is fucking post feeling good.

    This is the only thing you can't tell people, because its too obvious and simple. So oneness and everything else is the only way. If you could tell people, they wouldnt need any of that other crap.


    this is the only thing you cannot explain. This is the only thing you can't know, because knowing is within happiness. jeeezus. christ.

    OMG, when Leo say "you've cleverly divided yourself" that statement was an example of you cleverly dividing yourself, because its not true. Its suffering.



    EDIT 4: I just got a very unconventional download that the truth is literally what I want.

    The truth is literally what I want.

    No like, everything that's happening right now, my entire life, is what I wanted.


    Well if its not what I wanted, then what's it doing here????????????????????????

    Why would I manifest something I didn't want????????????????????????????????????


    what in the flying fuck is going on. what the flying fuck.

    Why is everything in my life happening the exact way I wanted it.

    :o :o :o I also want to ask whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy That's why I'm asking why.

    Is the point of life to just realize that what I want is whats happening?

  14. What's your endgoal? What are you trying to do through meditation, contempation, yoga?

    There's multiple answers out there such as:

    1. I'm trying to be happier

    2. I'm trying to discover the truth

    3. I'm trying to reduce suffering

    4. I'm trying to feel more love

    5. I'm trying to help others.

    What are some stuff we do:

    a) meditation, letting go of thoughts so that we feel more peace and happiness. We strive to let go of the suffering and feel more peace.

    b) contemplate: try and get to the bottom of reality: what's going on.

    c) help others so that we feel more happy about helping others.

    The Observation

    Disclaimer: this is half baked(like every insight) I'll probs contradict myself in the future. But so is the way of insights.


    From a non dual perspective, you are God, the entire universe. There's no little you, you're identified with everything, consciousness, love, etc. You don't talk to people, because there are no others, they are you. There is nothing actually separate to you.

    The end goal of everything you're doing is sharing love to yourself. That's really what it amounts to. Complating or getting to the bottom of the truth, is just sharing love to yourself at the end of the day. Meditating is just sharing love to yourself at the end of the day. Helping others is obviously just sharing love to yourself at the end of the day.

    Need an example? This post.

    Mindfuck: Everything people do to hurt you, is just you sharing love to yourself. Abuse, judgement, hatred, bullying, attacking, dismissing, frowning upon, etc. Is all Love, and its sharing it with you. That's why such things happen, those people who are hurting you, are sharing love with you. Can you see it?

    Practical Steps for other Actualizers:

    When seeking happiness, helping others, interacting with others, or trying to get to the bottom of the truth, ask yourself "what valuable thing am I sharing to myself or others in this moment?" or "What valuable thing is this other sharing with me?"

    For the 2nd one, you can even apply it to people berating you. The valuable thing could be a learning experience, a lesson, triggering and revealing some trauma that you can let go of that you otherwise wouldn't have discovered or procrastinated in removing, etc.