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  2. I've backed it up with many examples of why these wars were fought. You don't agree with them, but ignoring that others do is your main flaw. I can acknowledge Russia's concerns, even if I don't agree with them, you cannot do the opposite. I will repeat, for the 1000th time now, this region has been engaged in hostilities for centuries. We had a period of peace, thanks entirely to Europe coming together with America and making peace here. It's not naturally like that otherwise. You are advocating for WW3. That is the alternative. We cannot match the US military budget at present, though that is being changed it is a gradual process. The support would be us getting directly involved, and settling things in Europe as we used to, with long, bloody wars. Think what countries like UK, France, Germany, and Poland mobilizing troops and sending them into Ukraine would mean. I doubt we'd stop at Ukraine either if an actual war is declared, we'd have to take out Russia's capacity to fight the war, which is their industry, ports, and infrastructure connections.
  3. Take nootropics. I don't find psychedelics good for productivity, at all, this things fly out the window, even with low doses it will trigger that with time, at least for many people it has been the case. What you are searching is probably nootropics:
  4. Mahamudra & Dzogchen, especially Pointing out the Great Way (Daniel Brown) style and the other books of Daniel Brown on Dzogchen. out the Great Way&author=Water by the River and
  5. Sometimes I think maybe there is even a reverse correlation between "too good" conditions and too easily fulfilled basic needs, to mental health. Because ironically the modern living standards has taken us away from caring to ourselves and be connected to nature that are very important, and the absense of both in modern life is davastating to mental health. Also the solitude, too strong emphsize on core familiy which is potentially more de-stabilizing than the environment of a tribe which was, I think, more ideal to mental balance.
  6. How is input a strength?? Something isn't clear there.
  7. You can live in a golden castle, but if your physical or mental health is messed up then you might as well be living in hell.
  8. It might be interesting to satisfy your particular needs with different unique women with an overarching openess and honesty about it. This was very common in our forefathers, however just the man was polyamorous. All wifes used to live together under the same house and became a big unified family. Although nowadays, I find it time consuming to have multiple high quality relationships with women or men. Having an open relationship is the middle step, you have your stable consolidated realtionship where you invest all your time, energy and money, but you are allowed to fulfill your sexual needs outside the relationship. Of course, if you have the resources and the willingness With massive experience in both feminine and masculine attitudes and a lifelong commitment to continual learning in order to enhance your relationships.
  9. Nope What you value is what you will create. If truth is your only value, you will create/behave only in alignment with what is true, and what is love. Sainthood is natural outcome of wanting only truth, peace and love. And the enlightened one knows only truth is worth valuing. Only if a person values something other than truth can he turn his back on God's peace and choose anger, fear, suffering. Such a person cannot be called enlightened. For to value something else than truth is a sign of deep ignorance.
  10. No one will have the answer for you on this. You will have to trial and error and tailor these things for yourself. What might work for me might not work for you, and vice versa. I'd start with one substance at a time rather than mixing. If you are going to microdose, start low and work your way up till you hit your sweet spot. The idea is not to feel anything so you can continue your daily business. If you can feel something slightly, decrease the dose a little. Try it for a month or two to see if it improves anything. Once you have that correct dosage, buy a load of empty capsules and weigh and pre-fill them. This might take some time, but there is more of a chance you can follow a pre-set regime when you take these. Again, there is no right/wrong way; you have to figure out what works for you.
  11. At the current level you are, it's not about the technique. You've probably just hit a plateau in everyday practice. What is usually adviced in this case is to take 10 day vipassana retreat or whatever week long meditation intensive you prefer
  12. @lfvd95 darkness and silence, specially retreats for months within darkness and silence.
  13. Well it's Europe's war. Why would Europe suck up to America to deal with its own shit? Because Europe has no independent standing without US. Your reliance on US is making it obvious. Europe is not doing shit to counter Putin. Barely riding their big daddy's back.
  14. This video is textbook propaganda and speculation. Simple inciting fear with nothing to back it with any reason whatsoever. It ignores why Russia launched the Invasion in the first place. It's doesn't explain why would Russia want to trigger further invasion. Russia has nothing to gain from conquering the baltic states or even Ukraine as a whole for that matter. He didn't even wanted to invade Ukraine. It's a security threat he responded to and and that's about it.
  15. Hello, What are your thoughts on polyamorous relationships? (just started and its lit) A couple things, there is definitely a lot of green in things like relationship anarchy, orange can practice open relationships or swinging or whatever, and so I think its way too simplistic to reduce it to a stage, but please do use the spiral to explain things. Do you think polyamory can be practiced in a yellow way, in a healthy way, in a self-actualizing way, etc. If so, how can this be done?
  16. This video helped me conceptualize meditation in a different way. it is a bit long. After watching it I had more motivation to meditate more often and longer. I haven't watched it in a while so I hope it is as relevant as I think it is. Consistency is important and understanding/observing how your motivations work will help you keep consistent with a practice if it truly is important to you. I find it really helps to do several preparatory techniques before the actual meditation. I recently shared what I do when I meditate. I will link to it. I am not enlightened or anything but I have been meditating for around 9 years off and on. I usually meditate 2x per day around 30-60 minutes each time sometimes more on the weekend. More often than not I get into a calm blissful focused state. I never looked into how the different states are mapped by people with jhanas. I would rather just go take a look myself. I have been more getting into trying to meditate throughout my day by continuously accepting the moment exactly as it is or being aware of awareness. I also often contemplate the nature of satisfaction and happiness paying attention to how accepting everything as it is affects my emotions. I recently bought an audio book Leo recommended recently here: You can listen to the first chapter for free. I plan to listen to it in the mornings while following along being as present as possible and try to maintain it as much as I can throughout the day. Not sure if anything here helps you but I wish you the best.
  17. Today
  18. America was reluctant to give Ukraine any more aid. It was held up for months. vs Eastern Europe has had centuries of conflict with Russia, is rearming, and talking about sending troops? Do you see how you are ignoring the reality of what is occurring, and why it's occurring? European powers fighting wars in Europe have always met other European powers stopping them. It's a miracle that it hasn't happened so far, and it's only the case because America is giving money to Ukraine to fight it themselves. (Also because you are right, people in Europe got complacent) Do America, Russia, and any other arms producers like selling guns? YES! Do they give nukes to countries? No! America hates nuclear proliferation, as most countries do. We are talking about millions of people, and I am trying to give a collective view here, covering their leadership in the same statement.
  19. @Bobby_2021 The problem is her depression and bipolar. For me it was hell to even simply take care care of a person with a severe bipolar sympotoms for 1 day, and I was done, I can't imagine strain it would make on people who interact with that person everyday and on the person themsleves.
  20. My dude, Poland is behaving exactly like Washington wants. The expansion of NATO was in point to see the weapons made in US to Europe. Buying these weapons is the way to get into NATO after which you buy even more weapons. The military industrial complex, wants to sell weapons. That means NATO has to expand. That means Russia will feel a threat. That means Russia will attack. This is happening according to the policy decisions of the Clinton Administration back in the 90s. That's called a policy. Making the buy US made weapons is the goal. Also the same policy that is threatening European security right now.
  21. Then maybe Russia is a pawn too? Did you see how that assumption went? Then how many European countries are rearming? I'll link a video at the bottom with the latest development to match Belarus. The foreign policy of Europe is 44 different countries' foreign policy, including Russia and Russian-aligned states. Again, your point of view sees one block. It sees the West, or NATO, or Europe. From our point of view, we are 44 voices, with 44 different foreign policies. Here is one of them: Poland asks again for nukes: If you can for a second, try to put aside your (can I say block or collective) bias and understand Polish concerns, especially with Belarus getting nukes, then you can see the war in more focus and the potential fallout from it. Or the video version, the start is the relevant bit.
  22. Apparently. I´ll tell ya. While you are entertaining your energies and focus with this narratives I am investing Consciousness every day so one day i will no longer be a human. I might get hit by a bus and die, or I might one day leave the body and dissolve permanently with Infinity. Consciously. Because the work I´m doing does not come from watching youtube videos, you don´t understand what the human body is capable of and the possibility of this device to untie all the knots that bind you to the physical hallucination. Your narratives won´t untie any real knots.
  23. @BlueOak I didn't mean to undermine Europe, but the reality is that Europe and Ukraine is caught in a battle between US and Russia. If everyone treats you like a pawn, maybe you are one. What is the foreign policy of Europe? They don't have it. Just like Ukraine. Washington decides it. What is the foreign policy of Washington? That also comes from somewhere I don't want to say but we all know.
  24. For people who have no idea about how Europe operates. When one power starts to conquer territory, alliances arise to fight them. It has always been that way, the different powers have kept each other in check for hundreds of years. *That is what a non-globalist reality looks like, the thing so many right-wingers have been rushing toward for a couple of decades with open arms.
  25. Wonder if this whole Campus situation in America has anything to do with the Rafah operation which I assume is going ahead ? Deflection, distraction, then destruction.
  26. 1) THEY DID. Ukraine beat them out of Sumy, Kyiv, and Kherson, then held a line. Putin is interested in a greater Russia, this is his 8th war to create it. As the video shows, if Trump pulls out of NATO, a war with Europe is likely. Again, you belittle Europe, it's insane. Why do people do this? They did it to Russia, and now they do it to the rest of Europe. Do they want to create the same result again? It boggles the mind. Keep pushing, keep calling people weak, and the result is a war. When Europe does it back to Russia, you'll be saying oh how could this happen, those bad Europeans? Surprised face. Do I think far-right governments will tolerate an aggressive Russian expansion on their borders, and meddling in their elections, a pattern that has for centuries meant war and instability? No, I don't. I think without America holding NATO together there would already be a larger regional war, with Polish, English, and Baltic troops in Ukraine (at a minimum probably France and Finland too). Your entire focus on the Americans as the bad guys misses the regional history and reality of the region. As I've tried to tell you 100 times, America was reluctant to give this last round of aid, but Europe was asking for help or getting ready to use their own troops. Russia wants the baltics back inside Russia, as the video tells you. There are large Russian populations there. Putin has already said so. I can only keep repeating what he's said. You can ignore it. You can put your head in the clouds and just say America is the bad guy, thus never seeing both sides, or the ground reality at all in that case.
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